Free tools to create HTML files for Linux

I have linux centos 5.3. I am in the business of building a website, but I don't know how to write HTML. I need a tool to convert text to html. I found many tools on google that can help in creating html pages, but they are all for windows. Can anyone suggest me any similar tool for Linux system.


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5 answers

I think Nvu is / has long been closed for WYSIWYG HTML editor on linux, now also KompoZer . There used to be a Mozilla web editor, but I don't think it's still available.

But try to teach yourself at least some HTML , the basics are not hard and useful, even if you don't plan on typing a lot of it.



i really recommend you learn HTML if you want to write web pages.

if you want to convert text to plain HTML there are some other markup languages ​​for example. markdown



I am using a perl script I found from . Hope this helps you.



This might be explicit, but I think it's still useful to indicate that HTML ARE files contain HTML files.

So Octopus provides a link to a useful Perl script that replaces specific characters with HTML objects and allows text to surround <PRE> tags. This will be useful if your HTML pages are mostly text.

And knittl invites you to learn HTML. I tend to agree, because then you can create HTML with any text editor.

But eLZahR offers an HTML editor with WYSIWYG functionality if you can find one to make it a little easier.

The choice is yours. Once again, study HTML. Don't rely entirely on fancy frames.



Yo can use a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver or a content manager like Wordpress. Check out these lists (make sure they are compatible with your SO):

HTML editors (get anyone with a WYSIWYG editor and a free / open source license). I would recommend Kompozer to you.

Content management systems (get free ones only). I think this is the best option because html editors are not very useful when you have a minimum amount of information.

At any time, I would encourage you to learn HTML. It's very simple and it will help you a lot.



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