Appropriate source management solution

I started a new job where one of my first responsibilities was to import an ASP database previously maintained by the agency and it has now been taken to home. This codebase is currently stored in the Perforce repository.

My new company has one Subversion server running on a Windows XP desktop machine. This is used by some of their internal developers as a basic code repo for small projects.

I have the ability to create a completely new source control server for the entire codebase.

Once I have imported and launched my developers in my ASP based ASP, I will also start a new C # project with Visual Studio, which I also want to keep under source control.

I am completely open to any decision. We have a VMWare environment, so anything is possible. I would like to be able to import history from Perforce using a tool if possible. I would like to integrate well with Visual Studio, but there should be a separate client-side or shell integration for developers not using VS.

Most of the company's developers do not currently use version control, so it will probably be a bit of a tough battle to convince people of its benefits - so friendlier solutions can be better received.

Cash isn't necessarily a problem, but obviously cheap or free is a plus.


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2 answers

If your new company already has a Subversion repository, I suspect they are already familiar with this.

I think it's a good reason in itself to go with Subversion (barring any missing features that are essential). Otherwise, you are going to implement another tool, the developers will face a (perhaps small) barrier due to the fact that you have to learn, plus you will need an administrator to keep an eye on both. I find there a huge advantage in teams using the same tools (even at the expense of a few features missing).



You can also try git. There is a tool for porting managed code with a git version called p4-git.

I've had good experience with hosting it on a Linux server with gitosis. It has great integration with visual studio as well as many other IDEs (eclipse, netbeans, etc.). For those developers using WinXP, there is also a very friendly git-extensions program (gui for git on windows), or a custom git-gui that comes with git. For those who like to do things in the shell, there is this option as well.



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