C # - Reflection - Overloaded Constructor Identification

I need to identify an overloaded constructor to pass values ​​using reflection. Partial code:


            Type t = asm.GetType("RulesLibrary.MedicalInsuranceRules");

            object ActObj = Activator.CreateInstance(t); 

            object[] conparam = new object[2];

            conparam[0] = "RuleID"; // string

            conparam[1] =12; // int

// How to find out the overloaded constructor in Type MedicalInsuranceRules

            ConstructorInfo cinfo = t.GetConstructor();

            cinfo.Invoke(ActObj, conparam);


Suppose the MedicalInsuranceRules type contains overloaded constructors

 public   MedicalInsuranceRules( ){}
 public   MedicalInsuranceRules(string ruleID,int subSection ){}
 public   MedicalInsuranceRules(string ruleID,
                                int subSection,string majorDocID ){}


How can I match the excat constructor during reflection?


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3 answers

Type.GetConstructor has an overload where you can specify the types of the constructor arguments, eg.

var ciInfo = t.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(string), typeof(int) });




Use GetConstructor overload , which takes an array of types as a parameter.



Use the method GetConstructors

instead GetConstructor

, then look at the property of Parameters

each ConstructorInfo

obtained to find the ones you want.



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