Prevent values โ€‹โ€‹from being wrapped in a form

I have 4 <select></select>

items in my form. Usually when you submit the form, you will get this in the url like



However, in my interface, users switch between a date picker and a picker. Is it possible to only send values โ€‹โ€‹in an active item?

[I started writing this to send you guys, but then I thought about it and checked the disabled attribute of form elements - so in the spirit of a stack over stream I entered my own answer too]


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5 answers

Why did you disable this in javascript?

In any case, you have to make a server side decision, what if the server gets the user and date parameters (for example, one with javascript disabled or only jquery blocked ...)



Use .attr ("disabled", "disabled") in jQuery.



You can put the date picker and the name picker in separate forms (perhaps with separate "Action = ...").

Simple and works in any browser.



yes - after i did that i figured out the problem i created for non js users. I made a "todo" to split it into two shapes. I thought I was smart to turn different sets of fields on and off (trying to use the correct markup), but then, yes, filled this in. Well, in general, I learned about disabled and how to manipulate it in jQuery ...



I would rather pass control to the server side for some kind of validation.



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