Compare dates in Lingo

How do I compare two dates in Lingo? To be specific, I want to know if today's date was after some fixed date. I know I can create a fixed date using:



and I can get the current date using:


but I cannot directly compare the two. Do I have to parse () to determine if it was after my fixed date? I tried:

if( > date("20090101") then
    --do something
end if


but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?


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2 answers

Instead of (), try _movie.systemDate (), it will return a date object that you can safely compare to another.

if _movie.systemDate ()> date ("20090101") then

--do something


end if




I ended up doing the following. Inelegant, but it works:

  if ([1..2] >= 01 and[4..5] >= 01 and[7..10] >= 2010) then
    alert("Your license has expired. Please contact the Company to renew your license.")
  end if


It's a trick, but I'll still be interested in alternative ways of doing this.



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