Server error in application "/ DNNTest"

Parser error message: "SiteSqlServer" entry has already been added.

Source error:

Line 23: providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> -->

Line 24: < ! -- Connection String for SQL Server 2000/2005 -->

Line 25: <add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionString="Server=(local); 


pull down = DotNetNuke2; uid = nukeuser; pwd = dotnetnuke; "providerName =" System.Data.SqlClient "/">

Line 26: </connectionStrings>

Line 27: <appSettings>


Does anyone know work around?


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3 answers

Here is the work around which I followed yesterday to solve my problem:

If there is an application in the root directory of the site that already defines the "SiteSqlServer" key, that is why you are getting an error.

You can try and change the connectionString section to look like this:


<remove name="SiteSqlServer" />

<add name="SiteSqlServer" connectionString="server=(local);uid=;pwd=;Trusted_Connection=yes;database=communityserver" />



Delete the old key, then add a new one.

you can try to clear the connection strings on the first line in the same section in the web.config.

<clear />



This effectively prevents legacy connections.



There seems to be two connection strings in your web.config file named "SiteSqlServer". Can you post the complete section of the config file?



Perhaps this post on the dotnetnuke forums helps:

Added SiteSqlServer entry



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