Make vertical scrollbar in DataGridView unbound to cell

So, I have a DataGridView that has multi-line data. I have set the default cell style to include a wrapper for the cells to display multi-line data rather than all on the same line. However, when the data is larger than the height of the DataGridView, vertical scrolling does not work well. It snaps to the top of the cells in such a way that material that is outside the height of the DataGridView is never displayed. When I scroll the scrollbar, it just snaps to the top of the next cell, so I never see the entire content of a multi-line cell. Is there a way to add a scrollbar to a cell, or preferably a way to make the DataGridView's scrollbar not anchored to the cell vertices?


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1 answer

You can add textbox or richtextbox to datagridview cell



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