Linq to SQL error: expression order can only contain volatile scalars

I am using GridView and LinqDataSource to view category table. I have set the Gridview to enable sorting. Sorting usually works, except when I clicked on the Description column header.

"An expression order can only contain non-constant scalars that are matched in order to the server. An expression of type 'NText' is not matched in order."

The description is called using ntext, but can someone explain to me what is going on? why isn't NText sorting when nvarchar?


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2 answers

SQL Server simply won't let you order by NText fields (see also error 420 in SQL Server Error List ). I assume this is for efficiency reasons, but I couldn't tell for sure.

Now the solution in the linked article has been added to nvarchar

... but this is obviously quite difficult to do in LINQ.

Is your description field required ntext




I clicked on this question a dozen times and finally found the answer for it. @neo answered this here.

My SQL example before:

FROM [tblRoom]
WHERE [Building] = <%= bldgdbid %>
AND [Floor] LIKE CAST('<%= flr %>' AS NVARCHAR(127))


which I turned into this LINQ query:

(From zz In tblRooms
 Where zz.Building = bldgdbid
 Select zz
 ).Where(Function(x) Convert.ToString(x.Floor).ToLower() = flr.ToLower()
 ).OrderBy(Function(y) Convert.ToString(y.RoomName))


which LINQPad generates:

SELECT [t0].[DBID], [t0].[Building], [t0].[ID], [t0].[Floor], [t0].[RoomName]
WHERE (LOWER(CONVERT(NVarChar(MAX),[t0].[Floor])) = @p0) AND ([t0].[Building] = @p1)
ORDER BY CONVERT(NVarChar(MAX),[t0].[RoomName])


so it uses CONVERT

not CAST

, but that's good enough for me! And that should be enough for you, because CAST

it's ANSI, and it's CONVERT

SQL Server specific, but more powerful.

It looks sloppy, but I am switching to Entity Framework and all LINQ is simpler.



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