What are the most valuable pieces of computer science research for Cocoa developers?

What are the most valuable pieces of computer science research for Cocoa developers?

Another way I can answer this question:

If I'm not going to go to school for computer science, but want to be a developer working primarily with Cocoa, what should I do to make sure I learn what I might otherwise miss as a self-taught person and be worse for him.

Update: Changed the term "professional Cocoa developer" to "developer mostly working with Cocoa" in the hope that the purpose of my question is somehow clearer.

To be clear, I have been working with Cocoa for two years and am comfortable with the Objective-C and Cocoa frameworks, as well as the Cocoa design patterns and developer toolkit, and as such, I am most fluent in Mac and iPhone platforms. But I wondered if I was missing important CS or SE elements due to the fact that I did not learn / not formally, and not from other languages ​​or platforms.

This question is for Cocoa developers.


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In addition to what has already been stated, I highly recommend reading The Pragmatic Programmer . It contains a wealth of information on how to write software, how to manage projects and how to develop your career, tips that go beyond the documentation you go through every day in Xcode. Some of the topics they cover are those that may have been exposed during a standard computer science degree.



There are many but things that come to mind imediatly

-Design Patterns (Cocoa framework relies on many design patterns, if you follow them it will make your life very simple, MVC is the most obvious example)

-Algorithms and data structures (this really applies to any structure)

-Memory Management (No garbage on iphone!)



I would question whether there is really such a thing as "professional Cocoa developer" (from a philosophical point of view) or if you want to be one. There's a "professional developer" out there who can work with Cocoa first. The professional developer is language agnostic and as such has a solid career ahead of it. A hacker with a language or platform has very limited usefulness.

Question: Do you want to be a developer or not? If there are currently no good Cocoa vacancies, or Cocoa is being replaced by something new, better and completely different, the professional developer changes gear and follows. Are you okay with that?

If so, a computer science degree definitely doesn't hurt. If not, you probably shouldn't put all your eggs in the Cocoa basket and pursue a non-CS degree.



"Professional" is a relative term .. but anyway, this is what I had to go through so that I can easily learn a new language whenever I want, and also master it:

  • started by learning a simple console language (pascal or C ++, but I find pascal is easier than c / C ++) and then learned another language to see if I could do it (C ++)
  • I learned a lot of algorithms and data structures until I was able to recreate them and even created my own
  • I took a visual approach to programming with Visual Basic 6 (another easy one to get started) and tried to copy a lot of applications to see if I could.
  • I learned about Object Oriented Programming and ended up mastering it
  • At this stage, learning a new language was like a hobby, like playing a game!
  • Then I wanted to learn a few different topics like design patterns, multithreading, etc.
  • moved from windows to Mac and started learning objective-c: because I already knew a lot of languages, it took me 5 days to learn objective-c, and yes, I took breaks like any person: P
  • After I learned obj-c I now needed to learn cocoa ... it took me a long time to learn and I still don't know the whole thing. But I know most of this: D


What are the most valuable pieces of computer science research for Cocoa developers?

Learn that it is important to understand the differences between languages, not to learn a particular language.



Are you writing numeric method solvers with the Cocoa interface? You want to use numerical methods. Writing a 3D plugin with Cocoa UI? Learn better about Catmull-Rom splices.



A good understanding of computer graphics is required if you want to make some attractive animations :)



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