Mac OS X access devices with the same Vendor ID and different Product IDs

I am writing an application that opens USB devices and transfers some data. I am following UsbSimpleNotificationExample from developer examples. This example adds notifications and assigns callbacks for the unique Vendor ID and Product ID. But for my application, I have multiple PIDs and one VID. How to add a dictionary with one Vid and multiple PIDs? If I use CFDictionarySetValue with 2 PIDs, the second call to Pid overwrites the first value of the dictionary. Because of this, I am unable to respond correctly to IOServiceAddMatchingNotification calls. What other options can I try?


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2 answers

Why aren't you trying to add just the vendor ID?

Then your matches should include all product IDs.



6 years later ... sorry.

This is how you do it:

CFMutableDictionaryRef  matchingDict = IOServiceMatching ( kIOUSBDeviceClassName );
if ( matchingDict )
    UInt32        usbVendor = k_MyVendorID;
    CFNumberRef   refVendorId = CFNumberCreate ( kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &usbVendor );
    CFDictionarySetValue ( matchingDict, CFSTR ( kUSBVendorID ), refVendorId );
    CFRelease ( refVendorID );
    CFDictionarySetValue ( matchingDict, CFSTR ( kUSBProductID ), CFSTR ( "*" ) );   // This is a wildcard, so we find any device.


Pay attention to the pattern.



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