Help with the index

Ok, I'm not very good at mysql, but I know the index will help me here, however I have made multiple connections and cannot find one to help ...

Does anyone have any idea?

select `users_usr`.`id_usr` AS `id_usr`,
`users_usr`.`firstname_usr` AS `firstname_usr`,
`users_usr`.`lastname_usr` AS `lastname_usr`,`users_usr`.`social_usr` AS `social_usr`,`users_usr`.`address1_usr` AS `address1_usr`,
`users_usr`.`address2_usr` AS `address2_usr`,`users_usr`.`city_usr` AS `city_usr`,`users_usr`.`state_usr` AS `state_usr`,`users_usr`.`zip_usr` AS `zip_usr`,
`users_usr`.`email_usr` AS `email_usr`,`credit_acc`.`given_credit_acc` AS `given_credit_acc`,`credit_acc`.`credit_used_acc` AS `credit_used_acc`,
`credit_acc`.`date_established_acc` AS `date_established_acc`,`credit_acc`.`type_acc` AS `type_acc`,`credit_acc`.`bureau_status_acc` AS `bureau_status_acc`,
sum((`credit_balance`.`debit_acc` - `credit_balance`.`credit_acc`)) AS `balance` 

from (((`users_usr` 
left join `credit_acc` on((`users_usr`.`id_usr` = `credit_acc`.`uid_usr`))) 
left join `cfc_cfc` on((`credit_acc`.`id_cfc` = `cfc_cfc`.`id_cfc`))) 
join `credit_acc` `credit_balance` on((`credit_balance`.`credit_used_acc` = `credit_acc`.`id_acc`))) 

where ((`credit_acc`.`type_acc` = _latin1'init') 
and (`credit_acc`.`status_acc` = _latin1'active') 
and (`credit_acc`.`linetype_acc` = _latin1'personal')) 

group by `credit_balance`.`credit_used_acc` order by `users_usr`.`id_usr`


Gives me

id  select_type  table           type    possible_keys                        key              key_len  ref                                  rows  Extra                          
------  -----------  --------------  ------  -----------------------------------  ---------------  -------  ---------------------------------  ------  -------------------------------
     1  SIMPLE       credit_balance  index   credit_used_acc,cash_report_index    credit_used_acc  40       (NULL)                              14959  Using temporary; Using filesort
     1  SIMPLE       credit_acc      eq_ref  PRIMARY,type_acc,type_acc_2,uid_usr  PRIMARY          8        cc.credit_balance.credit_used_acc       1  Using where                    
     1  SIMPLE       cfc_cfc         eq_ref  PRIMARY                              PRIMARY          4        cc.credit_acc.id_cfc                    1  Using index                    
     1  SIMPLE       users_usr       eq_ref  PRIMARY,id_usr                       PRIMARY          4        cc.credit_acc.uid_usr                   1

Table       Non_unique  Key_name           Seq_in_index  Column_name              Collation  Cardinality  Sub_part  Packed  Null    Index_type  Comment
----------  ----------  -----------------  ------------  -----------------------  ---------  -----------  --------  ------  ------  ----------  -------
credit_acc           0  PRIMARY                       1  id_acc                   A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)          BTREE              
credit_acc           1  type_acc                      1  type_acc                 A                   11    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  type_acc                      2  date_acc                 A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  type_acc                      3  affiliate_aff            A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  type_acc_2                    1  type_acc                 A                   11    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  type_acc_2                    2  date_acc                 A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  type_acc_2                    3  complete_acc             A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  type_acc_2                    4  commission_refunded_acc  A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  credit_used_acc               1  credit_used_acc          A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  credit_used_acc               2  id_acc                   A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)          BTREE              
credit_acc           1  credit_used_acc               3  type_acc                 A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  uid_usr                       1  uid_usr                  A                 7008    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  cash_report_index             1  credit_used_acc          A                 7008    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  cash_report_index             2  type_acc                 A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              
credit_acc           1  cash_report_index             3  date_established_acc     A                14016    (NULL)  (NULL)  YES     BTREE              



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3 answers

The EXPLAIN output shows that you already have indexes that might be useful, but the query engine decided not to use them. says:

Use of temporary

To resolve a query, MySQL must create a temporary table for the result. This usually happens if the query contains a GROUP BY and an ORDER BY which render columns differently.

Your request includes:

GROUP BY `credit_balance`.`credit_used_acc` 
ORDER BY `users_usr`.`id_usr`


You are naming different columns in the two clauses, so this means that the query requires a temporary table and sorts its results on disk. Disk I / O is the main opponent of SQL performance. This is probably more detrimental to performance than you can compensate for with an index.

So, I suggest trying to remove the sentence ORDER BY

and see if it gets rid of the "temporary" comment.

edit Ok, I did some more tests and took a closer look at your tables.

I think you have a lot of indexes that are redundant and not applicable to this current query. These could be indexes useful for some other query, or they could just be leftovers from your experiments.

One observation is that you cfc_cfc

don't need to join , but I can see from your comment that you accepted it. It looks like it doesn't fix the EXPLAIN report.

Another observation is that yours is LEFT JOIN

not needed; it might be INNER JOIN

because you have conditions in the sentence WHERE

for those columns. There is no purpose as this is an outer join, and outer joins are generally slower.

Indexes can be useful on columns that you use in join conditions, or in row constraints, or in GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses. MySQL cannot use more than one index per table in a given query, so it makes sense to define composite indexes. But you have to determine the index on the columns that are used in the query. If you only use columns 2 and 3 of a 3-column index (i.e. not the first column in the index), then the index is ineffective.

Of course, indexes are created implicitly for all primary key and foreign key constraints, but here's the only additional index I've created:

KEY columns_used_in_query (uid_usr, type_acc, status_acc, linetype_acc),


You should not consider an optimization plan if you put your conditions in a proposal WHERE

or join condition if they are not part of the outer join conditions. But I notice that all other things being equal, the optimizer seems to pick the index from which you determine the first one!

I still haven't excluded temp comment and filesort comment in the EXPLAIN report, but I think these changes will speed up the request.



Take out some of this and start over.

Here is my interpretation of your request. uu.id_usr,
ca. ,
sum (cb.debit_acc - cb.credit_acc) ASbalance

from users_usr AS uu

left join credit_acc AS ca on uu.id_usr = ca.uid_usr

Append credit_acc AS cb to ca.credit_used_acc = ca.id_acc

where ca.type_acc = 'init'
and ca.status_acc = 'active'
and ca.linetype_acc = 'personal'

group by cb.credit_used_acc
order by uu.id_usr



Your query (the optimized part with unions, wheres, groups and sorts) can be simplified to:

SELECT uu.id_usr,
  sum (cb.debit_acc - cb.credit_acc) ASbalance

  users_usr AS uu

  credit_acc AS ca on uu.id_usr = ca.uid_usr
  AND ca.type_acc = 'init'
  AND ca.status_acc = 'active'
  AND ca.linetype_acc = 'personal'
  - credit_acc needs an index for uid_usr + type_acc _ status_acc

  credit_acc AS cb at ca.credit_used_acc = ca.id_acc
  - credit_acc needs an index for credit_used_acc

GROUP BY cb.credit_used_acc
ORDER BY uu.id_usr

Note that I took the WHERE clause and moved it to JOIN. It seems that MySQL is like this kind of setup.

Pay attention to the comments about indexes. See if you can make things easier (and optimized) and then add other fields.

What do you think Bill?



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