SQL inline conditional in Select

I was wondering if something like this is possible:

SELECT name or alt_name FROM users Where userid=somenum


I also tried this:

SELECT name IF NOT NULL ELSE alt_name ...


If anyone has any understanding I would appreciate it.


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6 answers

If you are trying to replace zeros then

select coalesce(name,alt_name)....


it will return the first non-zero value



How about this?

SELECT IsNull(name, alt_name) FROM users Where userid=somenum


Similar to Coalesce, but only takes two arguments and is easier to write.



Do you mean something like this? I accept TSQL

SELECT CASE WHEN [name] IS NOT NULL THEN [name] ELSE [alt_name] END AS [UserName]
FROM [Users] WHERE [UserId] = somenum




Not the most efficient answer, but how about this:

SELECT name FROM users WHERE userid=somenum AND name IS NOT NULL
SELECT altname FROM users WHERE userid=somenum AND name IS NULL


I think this will lead to what you are after.



If you are using a database that supports them, then one of the easiest ways is to use a user defined function, then you will have

SELECT udfPreferredName() FROM users


where udfPreferredName()

will encapsulate the logic needed to choose between the name and alternative_name fields.

One of the benefits of using a function is that you can abstract away the selection logic and apply it across multiple SQL statements wherever you need it. Doing inline logic using a case is fine, but it will usually be (much) more difficult to maintain the system. In most DBMSs the additional overhead of a function call will not be significant unless you are handling very large tables.



CHOOSE CASE userid = somenum THEN name ELSE alt_name END FROM users



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