How do I use NSScanner to parse a tab-delimited string in Cocoa?

I have a web service that returns tab delimited data (see example below).

I need to parse this into an array or similar so that I can create a navigation view.

I was able to execute a web request and parse an XML file, but my Objective-C knowledge is not great.

433 Eat
    502 Not Fussed
    442 British
    443 Chinese
    444 Dim Sum
    445 Fish
    446 French
    447 Gastropubs
    449 Indian
    451 Italian
    452 Japanese
    453 Middle Eastern
    454 Pan-Asian
    455 Pizza
    456 Spanish
    457 Tapas
    458 Thai
    459 Vegetarian
434 Drink
    501 Not Fussed
    460 Bars 
    461 Pubs



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3 answers

You are on the right track with NSScanner. You will need at least two scanners: one to scan lines from the entire input line, and one scanner for each line. Set the whole input scanner to only skip spaces (not newlines), then:

  • Scan one line (original line to end of line).
  • Build a scanner and scan tabs from string.
  • Count the browsed tabs. This is your indentation level.
  • The rest of the line is the record number and name. You can scan the line up to a space to separate the number and name, or leave them together, whichever you want.
  • Go back to step 1.

For specific method names, see the NSScanner class reference and the NSCharacterSet class reference .



I'm not sure if I understand your format exactly (this is a bit strange to me), but the easiest way to do this is with - (NSArray *)componentsSeparatedByString:(NSString *)separator

, which is a method of the NSString class ... example:

NSArray *components = [myString componentsSeperatedByString:@"\t"];


This returns NSArray

of NSStrings

, one for each tab-delimited field. If newline separators are important, you can use - (NSArray *)componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)separator

(also on NSString

) to separate using more than one type of separator.



I had a feeling that a flatter list was needed. If you need a multidimensional structure, you can do something like this:

NSArray *lines = [data componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"];
for (NSString *line in lines) {
    NSArray *fields = [line componentsSeparatedByString:@"\t"];
     // Do something here with each two-element array, such as add to an NSDictionary or to an NSArray (to make a multidimensional array.)




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