NHibernate: set id for interface mapping

I am trying to write a (fluent) mapping to an interface

public interface IOrderDiscount : IDomainObject<long>



public interface IDomainObject<IdT> : IDomainObject
   IdT Id { get; }


so (and all other conceivable options for access strategies)

Id(d => d.Id, "DiscountId")


but all i get are options

Could not find field 'id' in class 'IOrderDiscount'

My base class implements this as

public virtual IdT Id { get; protected set; }


but the event using the backing field doesn't change anything.

So, I am left to wonder how I can get this to work ...
Anyone with an idea?


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1 answer

Replace the column name with the custom column name:

Id(d => d.Id)




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