Referencing a type not mentioned by my project in the XML comments?

I have faced this situation several times already. I want to reference the type in my XML comments, but the type is contained in an assembly not related to my project.

In A.Dll (links B.DLL):

using B;
///<summary>Hai I'm SomeClass and I use <seealso cref="B.LoserClass"/> to do my work</summary>
public class SomeClass {/*...*/}


In B.DLL (NOT referenced by A.DLL):

///<summary> I can't <seealso cref="A.SomeClass"/> in this summary </summary>
public class LoserClass {/*...*/}


In the comments for LoserClass

I need to link to SomeClass

, but I cannot due to the fact that B.DLL does not refer to A.DLL (circular reference).

Is there a way to include build information in cref in the documentation LoserClass

, A.SomeClass


(btw, you cannot always allow this by moving the classes as it might cause circular dependencies elsewhere)


source to share

1 answer

I do not know how to do this and I am convinced that this does not exist. The question is, why do you want you to link from component B to A in the comments? B doesn't know anything about A, right? A uses B, so it makes sense to me that the comments reflect this dependency as well. But on the contrary, it makes no sense to me.

This is just my humble opinion




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