Automated recording of over 100 .ISO DVD images

Suppose I have a directory of 100.ISO files. Do you know how I can automate burning them to DVD? Basically I would like to send them to a DVD recorder with a DVD hopper similar to how you can print sheets of paper on a printer.

Any ideas on how to do this on Windows?


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4 answers

"There is an image queuing system where you record multiple images (which you can automatically swap between multiple discs if you have more than one)"



On Linux, write a simple bash script that uses cdrecord.



Rimage has redundant software towers and SDKs that will give you the hardware and software you need to burn many different discs in a large batch.



On Mac OS, you can probably use Toast and AppleScript.

By the way, what do you mean by "bunker"? You don't think about a media sharing mechanism for you, do you? There are such machines, but it is not related to programming, and they come with software for such a task.



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