JQuery - creating hide all / show this div image is more general

I have the following JQuery code.

basically I will have some overlapping divs and a list of links to the right of all those separated divs. when you hover over the link assigned to the div element, it disappears.

I have the following code and it works (it uses the default window image samples), but if anyone can come up with how to optimize it or make it generic, I would appreciate it.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
       $(document).ready(function() {

          $("#trigger1").mouseover(function() {


          $("#trigger2").mouseover(function() {



          $("#trigger3").mouseover(function() {



          $("#trigger4").mouseover(function() {





          position: absolute;
          top: 5px;
          left: 5px;
          position: absolute;
          top: 5px;
          left: 5px;
          position: absolute;
          top: 5px;
          left: 5px;
          position: absolute;
          top: 5px;
          left: 5px;
          position: absolute;
          top: 800px;
          left: 700px;

<div id="divsunset" class="contentdiv">
    <img src="Sunset.jpg" />

<div id="divwinter" class="contentdiv">
    <img src="Winter.jpg" />

<div id="divbh" class="contentdiv">
    <img src="bh.jpg" />

<div id="divwl" class="contentdiv">
    <img src="wl.jpg" />

<br />
<div id="links">
    <a href="#" id="trigger1">Show Sunset</a>
    <a href="#" id="trigger2">Show Winter</a>
    <a href="#" id="trigger3">Show Blue Hills</a>
    <a href="#" id="trigger4">Show Waterlillies</a>



Thanks Matt, TM and KRON, your answers really helped.

I don't feel like I have fully explained myself, but TM provided the answer I was looking for.

I wanted to follow DRY and the code provided by TM helped me the best this time as I didn't need to change the markup, just the jQuery code.

Thanks again. It's amazing how quickly I got a response. Continue in the same spirit.


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3 answers

The first thing you can do to make it cleaner is to replace all these similar calls with something more general.

(note: let's assume it's all inside document.ready()


$('#trigger1').data('target', '#divsunset');
$('#trigger2').data('target', '#divwinter');
$('#trigger3').data('target', '#divbh');
$('#trigger4').data('target', '#divwl');
$('#trigger1,#trigger2,#trigger3,#trigger4').mouseover(function() {
    var selector = $(this).data('target');


Using comma-delimited selectors is a great way to subjugate DRY with jQuery.

I am using $(element).data()

to set and retrieve some data in an element, in this case a selector used to update the corresponding element.

Also, for a cleaner visual experience, you can use the following instead $(document).ready()

if you like. It's the same, just different syntax.

$(function() {
   //DOM ready




I answered a similar question a few months ago with jQuery Swapping Elements if that helps.


Clarrification where I have {id: '1'} you have to swap the id of the divs you want to show and create a generic class name on the other DIV to hide them.

Recall that you can apply mulitple classes to an element:

<Div class="name1 name2"></div>


which might help if you have style rules attached to the original divs.



This is fine, but you will need a more general approach to the identifier you assigned.

The quickest solution that comes to mind is to wrap the overlapping divs that disappear under the parent div "#wrapped". Take all the links and assign them a trigger of the classes NAME, where "NAME" is "Sunset", "Winter", etc. Then you can do something like:

   $(document).ready(function() {

      $(".trigger").mouseover(function() {

                $("#wrapper ." + $(this).attr('class')[1]).removeClass("inactive");
        $("#wrapper ." + $(this).attr('class')[1]).fadeIn(500);


This is not the best possible solution, but hopefully it gives you an idea.



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