How do I determine the correct `paramstyle` when all I have is a" Connection "object?

I have an instance Connection

(required for DB API 2.0 compatibility), but I do not have the module from which it was imported. The problem is I am trying to use named parameters, but I don't know which one to paramstyle


Since this paramstyle

is a module level constant, I can't just ask Connection

. I tried using inspect.getmodule()

on my instance Connection

, but it just returned None

. Is there an easier way I'm just missing, or would I have to do some code try

/ except

to figure out which one to paramstyle



source to share

3 answers

Skip type(connection)

(connection class) to inspect.getmodule()

, not the connection object. The class keeps track of the module in which it was defined, so it inspect

can find it, and the creation of the object is not tracked.



Where did you get your copy? I cannot imagine a situation where you will not know in advance the source of the connection. If the user of your library passes you a connection, ask them for paramstyle too.

Anyway, take a look at the following console session:

>>> import sqlite3
>>> c = sqlite3.connect('/tmp/test.db')
>>> c
<sqlite3.Connection object at 0xb7db2320>
>>> type(c)
<type 'sqlite3.Connection'>
>>> type(c).__module__
>>> import sys
>>> sys.modules[type(c).__module__].paramstyle


However, it sucks. I would not count on it for a second. I am using my own plug-in-like objects and I would like to pass one of them to your library. I hate it when it magically tries to find out the paramstyle and fails because I am using a join-like wrapper object.



You can not.

You can try by looking connection.__class__.__module__

, but it is not specified by the DB-API that it will work. In fact, for many common cases, this will not be the case. (for example, a class is defined in a submodule of a package that acts as a DB-API module object, or the class is an extension of C without __module__


Unfortunately, you will need to pass a reference to the DB-API module object around the DB-API connection object.



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