Failed to update CLOB using DBCP connection
I am trying to update a clob column using a connection object that is fetched using Apache DBCP connection pooling.
I previously implemented a connection pool using this one and it worked great and I can update the CLOB. I switched to DBCP because I was getting java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01000: Maximum open cursors exceeded. I have checked connections, resultSet, preparedStatement objects in all DAOs. All finally blocks have these cursors closed. Still running into this error and so I decided to switch to DBCP.
But when I try to update the CLOB, with this DBCP connection, the application just hangs on pstmt.executeUpdate ().
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
CLOB clob = null;
conn = DBConnection.getConnection();
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(q);
clob = getCLOB(xmlReport, conn);
pstmt.setObject(1, clob);
pstmt.setString(2, reportSeqNo);
if (pstmt.executeUpdate() == 1) {
logger.logError("Report has been successfully UPDATED");
where getCLOB () method:
private CLOB getCLOB(String xmlData, Connection conn) throws SQLException{
CLOB tempClob = null;
// If the temporary CLOB has not yet been created, create new
tempClob = CLOB.createTemporary(conn, true, CLOB.DURATION_SESSION);
// Open the temporary CLOB in readwrite mode to enable writing;
// Get the output stream to write
Writer tempClobWriter = tempClob.getCharacterOutputStream();
// Write the data into the temporary CLOB
// Flush and close the stream
// Close the temporary CLOB
} catch(SQLException sqlexp){
} catch(Exception exp){
return tempClob;
I also tried to pass the connection ((DelegatingConnection) conn).getInnermostDelegate()
but didn't use.
Also, I've tried what Shiny suggested here . This time it hangs while I select data.
I am using Oracle 9i and the Oracle JDBC driver version is higher than 10 (sorry, couldn't remember the exact version now).
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With the Oracle JDBC driver, you cannot use setClob()
. It won't throw an error, but it won't work either. The reason for this is that the JDBC driver will try to read your Clob stream internally executeUpdate()
. Therefore, before updating, you must open the stream, start the update, and then close the stream.
So I always use select RPT_FILE ... for update
and then:
ResultSet rs = null;
rs = stmt.executeQuery (); ();
Clob clob = rs.getClob (1);
clob.truncate (0);
clob.setString (1, data);
rs = DBUtil.close (rs);
You can replace the setString()
CLOB read / write methods as a stream. This always works and does not skip cursors (due to bugs in the Oracle JDBC driver).
But the key is always the same: you must get the CLOB object from Oracle. Never try to create one of these yourself.
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OTN has some documentation on how to handle blobs in Oracle JDBC that might be helpful.
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