Is there a way to do the 'scoped' add () in jQuery?

The main jQuery method accepts a second optional argument to provide the context for the search. eg,

$(".setA", ancestorOfSetsA);


However, the jQuery method add()

does not accept this context argument. I am trying to accomplish the following:

$(".setA", ancestorOfSetsA).add(".setB", ancestorOfSetsB);


I am trying this through a plugin that will overload a method add()

, but I cannot figure out how to combine two jQuery objects into one jQuery object.

I would like to find a way to do scoped add()

with jQuery, but otherwise I'll write myself if I find a way to merge with jQuery objects.


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1 answer

You can pass a jQuery collection in the add

same way as a selector string:

$(".setA", ancestorOfSetsA).add( $(".setB", ancestorOfSetsB) );


If you want to overload add

, you need to be careful to maintain all of its behavior. Someone (a plugin you could use) could do this:

$( selector ).add('<div>new element</div>').appendTo( somethere );



Here is the current add function from jQuery modified to accept a context parameter:

jQuery.fn.add = function( selector, context ) {
    return this.pushStack( jQuery.unique( jQuery.merge(
        typeof selector == 'string' ?
            jQuery( selector, context ) :
            jQuery.makeArray( selector )




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