How do you add DLL to GAC from InstallScript project to InstallShield?

How do you add DLL to GAC from InstallScript project to InstallShield? I tried to add [GLOBALASSEMBLYCACHE] as the destination for the component and you're out of luck. He informs me that this is not valid data for the addressee.


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5 answers

Installing only a project script has no way to put the file in the GAC. You need a script MSI setup project. I ended up creating a separate Windows installer and using LauchAppAndWait from the installation screen to launch it. Quite a lot of hack because I didn't want to switch to an MSI project.



Instead of creating an MSI InstallScript project, you can create a merge module that installs the desired components into the GAC. Then, include MSM in the InstallScript install setup. This way you avoid the annoyance of LaunchAppAndWait.



Gakutil can do it, but Gakutil does not spread. It's possible to write your own code to call the Fusion API and then call it from installscript, but frankly, MSI is simpler.



IS scripts can access Win32 and other DLL input elements, so you don't need a special MSI installer.

We have an installer that requires changing file permissions at the beginning of the installation process. We've added the utility to our support files and billboards section and they end up in the Setup Temp folder. Then we use LaunchAppAndWait etc.

Another option might be to change your .net assembly to auto-GAC when registered. It's easier when using System.Configuration.Install and friends.




can do it, just put it in supportdir (temp dir) and use it from there. then destroy the temp directory after.



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