PyQt4 highlighting

I am trying to add syntax highlighting to a text editor in PyQt4. I found an example in the documentation that works when compiled from C ++, but when I convert it to Python / PyQt it no longer works.

The piece of code that fails (doesn't highlight anything anymore):

def highlightCurrentLine(self):

    extraSelections = []

    if not self.isReadOnly():
        selection = QTextEdit.ExtraSelection()

        lineColor = QColor(Qt.yellow).lighter(160)

        selection.format.setProperty(QTextFormat.FullWidthSelection, QVariant(True))
        selection.cursor = self.textCursor()



which is called:

self.connect(self, SIGNAL('cursorPositionChanged()'), self.highlightCurrentLine)


Does anyone know why this is not working?

Versions I'm using: Python 2.6.2, PyQt 4.4.4


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2 answers

Ok ... it turns out I wasn't going crazy, I was just using an outdated version of PyQt4.

For information, the version of PyQt4 that ships with Ubuntu 9.04 is 4.4.4, but this feature requires 4.5+.

I've upgraded to PyQt4 4.6 and it works great (plus 4.6 seems to have some new new features too).



Save lineColor

somewhere (for example self.lineColor

). Otherwise, Python will discard the object when the method returns, instead format

using an invalid pointer.



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