Remove the "$" before the ASP.Net RangeValidator script is executed

How can I get the replace script input to run before the RangeValidator script?

I want to prevent validation from failing when the user enters a dollar sign or a comma.

function cleanUp(str) {
    re = /^\$|,/g;
    return str.replace(re, ""); // remove "$" and ","

<input type="text" id="salary" runat="server"
onchange="this.value=cleanUp(this.value)" />

<asp:RangeValidator ID="salaryValidator" 
    runat="server" ErrorMessage="Invalid Number"
    ControlToValidate="salary" Type="Double" />


I decided to use a CustomValidator which validates the range and uses the RegEx currency. Thank you Michael Kiskern.

function IsCurrency(sender, args) {
    var input = args.Value;

    // Check for currency formatting.
    // Expression is from
    re = /^\$?([0-9]{1,3},([0-9]{3},)*[0-9]{3}|[0-9]+)(.[0-9][0-9])?$/;
    isCurrency = input.match(re);

    if (isCurrency) {
        // Convert the string to a number.
        var number = parseFloat(CleanUp(input));
        if (number != NaN) {
            // Check the range.
            var min = 0;
            var max = 1000000;
            if (min <= number && max >= number) {
                // Input is valid.
                args.IsValid = true;

    // Input is not valid if we reach this point.
    args.IsValid = false;

function CleanUp(number) {
    re = /^\$|,/g;
    return number.replace(re, ""); // remove "$" and ","

<input type="text" id="salary" runat="server" />

<asp:CustomValidator ID="saleryValidator" ControlToValidate="salary" runat="server" 
ErrorMessage="Invalid Number" ClientValidationFunction="IsCurrency" />



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4 answers

Have you tried using the CustomerValidator control and combined the functionality of the JS cleanup methods and the RangeValidator.



I think I can improve this. This makes commas and cents optional:





There is a way to do this by registering a script; however, why not use a regular expression tool to validate your input?

Also, the range checker runs on the fields onBlur js event, not on change.



Just noticed that you have. for the decimal point, but that means the regex will accept any character in that place. You must use \.

for this decimal point.





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