How to get CDHtmlDialog document after Asp.Net AJAX UpdatePanel

When the page rendered in our CDHtmlDialog does an Asp.Net AJAX UpdatePanel, we receive a navigation event, but everything seems to be lost after that. We no longer have a document or no mouse events on the page.


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1 answer

It looks like I made the original post as an unregistered user, so I don't think I can edit it. We were able to work around the original problem, but it reappeared in a different context (really starting to hate CDHTMLDialog).

Here's the cause of the problem:
Javascript calls raise the Navigate event, and CDHtmlDialog :: OnBeforeNavigate calls and disables and disposes of IHTMLDocument2. Unfortunately, this is not a real Navigation as the page has never changed. This means that CDHtmlDialog :: OnNavigateComplete is never called to return the document.

Worse still, when I override CDHtmlDialog :: OnBeforeNavigate I found the URL string is unreadable (error)?

Simplest (best?) Solution:
We need to intercept the Before Navigate event and call CDHtmlDialog _OnBeforeNavigate2 if the url is not a javascript action:


void CMyHTMLDlg::OnBeforeNavigate2(LPDISPATCH pDisp, VARIANT* URL,VARIANT* Flags, VARIANT* TargetFrameName, VARIANT* PostData,VARIANT* Headers, BOOL* Cancel)


    if (URL != NULL)
        // Check if navigation is to a folder..
        CString url = CString(*URL);

        if(url.Left(11) != _T("javascript:"))
            _OnBeforeNavigate2(pDisp, URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers, (BOOL*)Cancel);
            // If dynamic linking MFC then the above handler doesn't exist. Need to call OnBeforeNavigate direct. 
            // This is from a code site, and it compiles, but I've never tested it to see if it works.


Much of this is pretty standard for subclassing CDHtmlDialog, and it's pretty straightforward, but it took me a bit to figure out how to handle JavaScript. Unfortunately I'm not sure how this would work if JavaScript is making dynamic changes on the page itself.

A couple of notes:

  • If navigation needs to be completely canceled here, set * Cancel = TRUE and don't call _OnBeforeNavigate2. Be careful because this will override any JavaScript actions as well.
  • It's unclear until I see the source , but CDHtmlDialog :: _ OnBeforeNavigate2 just calls CDHtmlDialog :: OnBeforeNavigate.


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