Can HyperLinkButton in silverlight navigate NAS or local uri file?

In my silverlight application, I have a section like this:

<HyperlinkButton Content="{Binding MediaFile.FileName}" 
 NavigateUri="{Binding ., Converter={StaticResource MediaFileToFullPathConverter}}" 
 Style="{StaticResource HyperLinkButtonStyle}"/>


For testing purposes, I am using the local navigation paths to the ui (C: \ blabla \ file.txt). In my real world scenario, I have provided NAS links (\ PcX \ file.txt).

However, when I click on C: \ blabla \ file.txt I get an UnauthorizedAccessException error. When the link is url it gets called fine (opening a window and loading the page as harm). Finally, when I write C: \ blabla \ file.txt in the browser address bar, the file is accessed fine.

Is Silverlight so isolated that it cannot invoke a new window with a local file address?

Do you have any hints?

thanks Aggelos


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1 answer

I'm going to go with "yes, this", but it looks like you can get around it with the EnableNavigation property: (see note)



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