How to convert a Tcl numeric pointer to its element

I feel like this question has a simple answer; but, for the life of me, I could not figure it out. I am trying to convert a list selection to my string element so that I can enter it into the database.

I understand what I can use. listbox curselection to get its index; however I need to convert it to string. Can anyone help me with this?




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2 answers

Here's a simple, working example ...

proc selectionMade {w} {
    # --- loop through each selected element
    foreach index [$w curselection] {
        puts "Index --> $index"
        puts "Text  --> [$w get $index]"

catch {console show}
listbox .lb
bind .lb <<ListboxSelect>> {selectionMade %W}

pack .lb -fill both
.lb insert end "Line 1"
.lb insert end "Line 2"


So [.lb curselection] returns a list of indices of the selected items. To turn the index into the actual text of an element, you simply need to use it with the [.lb get $ index] subcommand as shown above.



You should pick up a copy of Practical Programming in tcl and tk . I am "The Book of Camels" (to steal the perl idiom) tcl / tk.

As for your question, then you want:

set selectedText [list]
foreach selectedLine [$listbox curselection] {
     lappend selectedText [$listbox get $selectedLine ]




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