How to enable timeout in webservice call using ksoap 2?

I need to add a timeout to a J2ME application that uses ksoap 2 to connect to a web service.

I tried the method described as possible pseudo timeout at but it doesn't seem to work on this device.

I start the connection on another thread and kill it if the timer fires but there is no way to kill the thread before it finishes executing in J2ME at (this is an embedded device so I can't just leave an indefinite number of thread locks in the background). I cannot use a logical poll as this is the only attempt to open a blocked connection.

The system timeout appears to be device modality dependent and too long for my purposes.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what might work?


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3 answers

I ended up using a Socket class that has a setSoTimeout () method.



I may note that I made changes in KSoap2 v2.5.2 to support timeout for the HttpTransportSE class. It will throw a SocketTimeoutException when a timeout occurs.

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Keep in mind that you are not dealing with fully functional computers. On some devices, you simply cannot interrupt network operations, especially a TCP connection.

This is what we do

  • Before making the connection, create another monitoring timer thread on a short frequency (say 2 seconds).
  • In a monitoring thread, you can send some message to the device pretending to make progress if the time limit is not reached.
  • If a certain deadline is reached, try interrupting another thread by sending Thread.interrupt (). This call is available in MIDP.
  • In the connection flow, just close if aborted.

This works fine on all emulators, but the connection thread doesn't get exceptions until 5 minutes later on some phones.



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