How do you create additional associations in Linq-To-Sql classes?

I am trying to create an optional relationship between multiple tables. I have one table called Invoice. The invoice table contains an FK reference to the Customer table in the CustomerId field. The table of accounts also has a non-FK reference to the project, accessible via the ProjectId field.

Is there a way to configure my Linq-To-Sql classes to have an optional relationship between the Invoice and Project table?

I would like to be able to select a Project Name through this association, if there is one.


Is it possible to set this in the dbml file? I have a partial class that extends an invoice object and would like to be able to create a property called ProjectName that wraps Invoice.Project.Name.

Just wondering if this is possible or if I have to return the left join value in the query.


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2 answers

I think I figured it out ... it was easier than I thought. All I need to check is to make sure the relationship is zero in the partial class that extends the LinqToSql class.

Something like:

   public string ModifiedByName
            if (this.ModifiedByUser == null)
                return string.Empty;
                return this.ModifiedByUser.FirstName + " " + this.ModifiedByUser.LastName;

    public string CreatedByName
            if (this.CreatedByUser == null)
                return string.Empty;
                return this.CreatedByUser.FirstName + " " + this.CreatedByUser.LastName;




This should be done (VB syntax):

Dim results = _
    From i in context.Invoice _
    Join c in context.Customer On i.CustomerId Equals c.CustomerId _
    Group Join p in context.Project On i.ProjectId Equals p.ProjectId Into g = Group _
    Select i.InvoiceName, c.CustomerName, ProjectName = (From x In g Select x.Name).SingleOrDefault




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