Can't connect to default website in IIS 6.0

I am unable to connect to the default website in IIS 6.0 using localhost or or by server name. When I telnet to port 80 with one of these names, there is no connection.

However, other websites work and I can telnet using any of the ip addresses. I can ping to localhost where is responding. The default website works. He didn't stop.


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5 answers

httpcfg.exe did it.



check Windows firewall which has a habit of blocking IIS on local machine



Is the site associated by default with a specific IP address? By default, it displays "all unrecognized" for the IP address, but if you have bound all sites to a specific IP address, the local IP address will no longer be configured on the server and will not respond.



Stop all sites under IIS, restart IIS and start the one you are interested in.

If this fails, delete all sites under IIS and build from scratch. If that fails, then IIS is not the problem and you will need to see what other services are running and start disabling them.



A firewall can prevent some of your website / website content from being accessed, so if you are having trouble accessing content, make sure your firewall is not rejecting content from your site.

The easiest way to make sure that your firewall is not blocking your access to your site services is to use your firewall control panel to allow data from *.(your site url)




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