Access request: how to query to get the calculated values?


I have a large table from which I can query to get the following table

type       no of times type occurs
101            450
102            562
103            245


also i can get another table

code      no of times code occurs
0               1222
1                750 
2                355


but now I want to write a query that could get me the following table

type  no of timescode1occurs %of timescode1 occurs out of  %of times code1 occurs out of  
                              no of times type occurs       no of times code occcurs

101          50                11%                                  6%
102          75                13%                                  10%


How can I write a request to get this?



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2 answers

What about:

SELECT t.Type, t.Code, COUNT(t.Code) AS CountOfCode, 
  [CountOfCode]/DCount("Code","t","Code=" & [Code])*100 AS PercentCode, 
  [CountOfCode]/DCount("Type","t","Type=" & [Type])*100 AS PercentType
      FROM t
      GROUP BY t.Type, t.Code


Where t is the name of the large table.



Assuming a table like this:

type, code, ... other columns.


I am assuming your first 2 requests are something like

select type, count(*) from mytable group by type

select code, count(*) from mytable group by code


Then you want to do something like

SELECT DISTINCTROW mytable.Type, mytable.Code, 
Count(*)/q1.[Count of type] AS [Percent Of Type],
Count(*)/q2.[Count of code] AS [Percent Of Code]
FROM mytable, 
  (select type, count(*) as [Count of type] from mytable group by type) q1,
  (select code, count(*) as [Count of code] from mytable group by code) q2
where mytable.Type =q1.Type
and mytable.Code=q2.Code
GROUP BY mytable.Type, mytable.Code, q1.[Count of type], q2.[Count of code];


Hope this helps. Chris



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