Calculate hash / checksum in Informix SQL

I would like to calculate some sort of hash or checksum value for a column value in Informix SQL.


We need to anonymize personal information in the test data and would like to do this by hashing the corresponding values, for example:

UPDATE personal_data SET name=HASH(name), employee_no=HASH(employee_no)


We want to use a hash, not just a fixed value, because it is useful for different values ​​(usually) for different results, and for the same values ​​to match against the same result. This allows comparisons to be made across test data (for example, it is possible to have multiple records with the same employee_no, and it is useful to store this information).

Most DBMSs have some sort of hashing function (PostgreSQL and MySQL have MD5 (), Oracle has DBMS_UTILITY.GET_HASH_VALUE), but I couldn't find anything for Informix (Informix IDS 9). Is this a missing feature?


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4 answers

IDS does not have any hash functions shown as built-in AFAICR functions.

Assuming you are using IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS) version 10.00 or later (earlier versions are not supported - good, 7.31 is supported until 2009-09-30 but no further), then you can create a UDR (User Defined Procedure) that performs the task. It's not incredibly difficult - but it's not trivial either.




Several years ago, I wrote a T-SQL function to compute SHA-1 hashes. If this works for you, perhaps you can redo my function for Informix. This news stream contains a little more information on restrictions.

create function S( 
  @N int, 
  @x bigint 
) returns binary(4) as begin 
  declare @two_N bigint 
  set @two_N = power(cast(2 as bigint), @N) 
  declare @two_32_N bigint 
  set @two_32_N = power(cast(2 as bigint), 32-@N) 
  return cast(@x%@two_32_N*@two_N + @x/@two_32_N as binary(4)) 
create function f( 
  @t bigint, 
  @B bigint, 
  @C bigint, 
  @D bigint 
) returns bigint as begin 
  declare @2_32 bigint set @2_32 = power(cast(2 as bigint),32) 
  if @t between 0 and 19 
    return (@B & @C) | ((@2_32-@B-1) & @D) 
  if @t between 20 and 39 
    return @B ^ @C ^ @D 
  if @t between 40 and 59 
    return (@B & @C) | (@B & @D) | (@C & @D) 
  return @B ^ @C ^ @D 
create function SHA1 ( 
  @s varchar(55) 
) returns binary(20) as begin 
  declare @b varbinary(55) 
  set @b = cast(@s as varbinary(55)) 
  declare @zeros binary(64) 
  set @zeros = 0x 
  declare @padded binary(64) 
  set @padded = 
    @b + 0x80 + substring(@zeros,1,55-datalength(@b)) 
       + cast(8*datalength(@b) as binary(8)) 
  declare @H5 binary(20) 
  set @H5 = 0x67452301EFCDAB8998BADCFE10325476C3D2E1F0 
  declare @K4 binary(16) 
  set @K4 = 0x5A8279996ED9EBA18F1BBCDCCA62C1D6 
  declare @ABCDE binary(20) set @ABCDE = @H5 
  declare @W80   varbinary(320) set @W80 = @padded 
  declare @TEMP  binary(4) set @TEMP = 0x 
  declare @2_32 bigint set @2_32 = power(cast(2 as bigint),32) 
  declare @t int 
  set @t = 16 
  while @t < 80 begin 
    set @W80 = @W80 + 
      dbo.S(1,cast(substring(@W80,(@t-3)*4+1,4) as bigint) 
             ^cast(substring(@W80,(@t-8)*4+1,4) as bigint) 
             ^cast(substring(@W80,(@t-14)*4+1,4) as bigint) 
             ^cast(substring(@W80,(@t-16)*4+1,4) as bigint)) 
    set @t = @t + 1 
  set @t = 0 
  while @t < 80 begin 
    set @TEMP = cast((cast(dbo.S(5,substring(@ABCDE,1,4)) as bigint) 
          + dbo.f(@t,substring(@ABCDE,5,4) 
          + cast(substring(@ABCDE,17,4) as bigint) 
          + cast(substring(@W80,4*@t+1,4) as bigint) 
          + cast(substring(@K4,4*(@t/20)+1,4) as bigint))%@2_32 as 
    set @ABCDE = @TEMP+substring(@ABCDE,1,4) 
    set @t = @t + 1 
  set @H5 
  = cast((cast(substring(@H5, 1,4) as bigint) + cast(substring(@ABCDE, 1,4) 
as bigint))% @2_32 as binary(4)) 
  + cast((cast(substring(@H5, 5,4) as bigint) + cast(substring(@ABCDE, 5,4) 
as bigint))% @2_32 as binary(4)) 
  + cast((cast(substring(@H5, 9,4) as bigint) + cast(substring(@ABCDE, 9,4) 
as bigint))% @2_32 as binary(4)) 
  + cast((cast(substring(@H5,13,4) as bigint) + cast(substring(@ABCDE,13,4) 
as bigint))% @2_32 as binary(4)) 
  + cast((cast(substring(@H5,17,4) as bigint) + cast(substring(@ABCDE,17,4) 
as bigint))% @2_32 as binary(4)) 
  return @H5 




You can use ENCRYPT_TDES . The encrypted string is much longer than the original, but this shouldn't be a problem - the value will be truncated. Encryption + truncation should get the same result as the hash value. I'm not entirely sure if encryption is available at 9.40, maybe not. In this case, you need to compute the hash value on the client.



If you can change the structure of the table, you can use the WITH VERCOLS option. See Using the WITH VERCOLS option . In short: this option gives you two more hidden columns: the checksum for the originally inserted row and the number of changes (updates) in the row.



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