How do I run a GPS based application (WikiTude) in the Android SDK Emulator?

I am writing an Android application that uses the WikiTude API. I installed the WikiTude browser app in the Android SDK emulator from Android Market (To get the Android Market in the emulator, I went to this link ).

When I run the WikiTude browser app in the emulator, it asks me for the location settings. I turned on the "Enable GPS satellites" option and launched the app, again it gives a warning about the location settings. I cannot start this application. Please help me.

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to run a GPS based app in Android Emulator? Or not? If so, is there any work around for running a GPS based app in the emulator?


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1 answer

Short answer: Yes, you can simulate GPS location changes in the emulator using the location controls in the DDMS perspective - you can customize these location updates manually or load GPX or KML data .

Slightly longer answer. Depending on the type of location data you need for your application, you might find the emulator not entirely exciting in terms of modeling capabilities. It's also always a good idea to test expensive apps on real devices, since Android devices (at least most of them) are primarily mobile phones / netbooks, and in most cases you would rather sacrifice some accuracy in exchange for battery life. That said, if you want to try a GPS simulation (which is great for easier testing), take a look here or one of the best books on Android ( -android-development and should help)



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