How to choose a design \ platform for a product?

I have an idea for a product to be used by am individual. I would like to have an offline web app. But I also want the app to be available on mobile phones. How can I achieve offline capabilities that works like n mobile desktop. thank


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2 answers

Assess your options first from the platform level.

The maturity of web frameworks and mobile features will be key, but some of the other things you should consider are:

  • Development costs (open source or licensed)
  • Ease of development
  • Install technologies on the stack (SQL / Win /. Net / vs. Oracle / Solaris / Tomcat / Java EE vs. LAMP, etc.)
  • Availability of skillsets for development and support.

Your options for web / disabled / desktop / mobile can be put on any of the above platforms as well as some others.

Choose carefully and good luck!



As I understand it, your application is for personal use only. And since you are on an equal footing, I can assume that you are a developer yourself. If so, you should answer the following questions:

  • What language / platform are you comfortable with?
  • What are the free tools available?
  • Does the platform support RAD (Rapid Application Development)?
  • Can you use any free database or do you need to invest in a database?
  • Where are you going to post your expressions? What platforms are supported by the hosting provider?

For design, pl will post some of the high-level requirements / functionality of the application so people can suggest something.



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