What does this error mean? [Erlang, mochiweb, MySQL]

I created a comet chat with Erlang and Mochiweb. And I run "./start-dev.sh" to start the server. But after about 1 month, I got the following error:

=ERROR REPORT==== 26-Sep-2009::09:21:06 ===
mysql: fetch "SELECT appKey FROM applications WHERE appID = 1" (id p1)

=CRASH REPORT==== 26-Sep-2009::09:21:10 ===
    initial call: mochiweb_socket_server:acceptor_loop/1
    pid: <0.4271.23>
    registered_name: []
    exception error: no match of right hand side value 
      in function  moonwalker_web:loop/2
      in call from mochiweb_http:headers/5
    ancestors: [moonwalker_web,moonwalker_sup,<0.52.0>]
    messages: []
    links: [<0.54.0>,#Port<0.792854>]
    dictionary: [{mochiweb_request_body,
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 2584
    stack_size: 24
    reductions: 1368

=ERROR REPORT==== 26-Sep-2009::09:21:10 ===


And if into symbols

include the following numbers:



Failed sending data on socket :"closed"


Does this mean I am having problems with the MySQL connection or socket? I don't know if this error is related to my "./start-dev.sh" or if my settings were wrong?

And what other information should I provide for the diagnosis?

Thank you and looking forward to your reply?


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1 answer

It looks like somewhere in the loop / 2 function you are not handling the {error, Error} return from the function call. This raises an error that causes the process to crash. Without the code, it's hard to tell what caused the error.



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