Tracking DB Changes with Zend Framework?

I am trying to decide between Zend Framework and Ruby On Rails for my web application.

If I go with ZF I need the following:

  • A way to incrementally track changes in my database, such as using the RoR migration feature (001_something.sql, 002_something_else.sql).
  • Place to put SQL for the next version of my software. When working in our regular PHP solution, we just have release.sql, which is run, zipped, and completed upon release.

ZF has Zend_Db_Schema_Manager, which does the same thing, but I'm not interested in its official, complete, or supported one.

Is there an official mechanism that ZF provides for doing something similar to what I described?

EDIT I ​​am done with Rails. Nothing compares.


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2 answers

We have used dbdeploy and the corresponding Phing task to migrate the db in our PHP projects and it works great for us. There is also a new tool called phpmig .

The proposal for Zend_Db_Schema_Manager has been archived in the meantime as I'm going to look at the development wiki . I don't know, I think there is a better practice for db migration from Zend Framework. I guess many people use doctrin migration method.



I am using Zend Framework for our application in conjunction with the Doctrine ORM , which includes a migration tool that works great for our needs.

You should be able to use the migration tools without using the entire ORM framework. Also, before I found Doctrine I was evaluating php-migrations . But to be honest, I think the Doctrine is much more mature.

When it comes to choosing a framework, I don't think any one particularity should influence you. Find what you are comfortable with, support, and do what you need to do when your requirements change.



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