How to get CString object from file with CFile :: Read () in Unicode?

The encoding is Unicode. I want to write a string like CString to a file and then read it from the file. I am writing a line to a file with the CFile :: Write () method:

int nLen = strSample.GetLength()*sizeof(TCHAR);
file.Write(strSample.GetBuffer(), nLen);


Here is the question: I want to get a CString from a file containing the contents of strSample. How can i do this?

Many thanks!


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3 answers

UINT nBytes = (UINT)file.GetLength();
int nChars = nBytes / sizeof(TCHAR);
nBytes = file.Read(strSample.GetBuffer(nChars), nBytes);




I think you forgot to include the '\ 0' at the end

strSample.GetLength () + 1



I would try this as maybe the file is larger than the one being read (final DOS style line). Read does not set the final \ 0, but ReleaseBuffer apparently does if not called with -1.

UINT nBytes = (UINT)file.GetLength();
UINT nBytesRead = file.Read(strSample.GetBuffer(nBytes+1), nBytes);




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