Need jQuery calendar plugin, specific dates

I need a jQuery calendar plugin where I can specify which dates can be selected but still show the whole month in the calendar.


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3 answers

Use Datepicker , just add handlers to events that check dates.

Example (Original from this forum post )

<script type="text/javascript">

              dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy',
              beforeShowDay:  disableDays

      var disabledDays = ["12/10/2009", "13/10/2009", "15/11/2009"];

      function disableDays(date) {

              var sDate = date.getDate().toString() + "/" + 
                          (date.getMonth()+1).toString() + "/" + 
              if ($.inArray(sDate, disabledDays ) != -1) return [true];
              else return [false];




Another example (faster?) From here

$(function() {
    // format:
    var specialDays = {
          '2009': {
        '1': {'1': {tooltip: "New Year Day", className: "holiday"}},
        '4': {
           '10': {tooltip: "Good Friday", className: "holiday"}, 
           '13': {tooltip: "Easter Monday", className: "holiday"}
        '5': {
            '4': {tooltip: "Early May Bank Holiday", className: "holiday"},
            '15': {tooltip: "Spring Bank Holiday", className: "holiday"}
        '8': {'31': {tooltip: "Summer Bank Holiday", className: "holiday"}},
        '12': {
            '25': {tooltip: "Christmas Day", className: "holiday"},
            '28': {tooltip: "Boxing Day", className: "holiday"}

    $('#datepicker').datepicker({beforeShowDay: function(date) {
               var d = date.getDate(),
           m = date.getMonth()+1,
           y = date.getFullYear();

        if (specialDays[y] && specialDays[y][m] && specialDays[y][m][d]) {
           var s = specialDays[y][m][d];
             return [true, s.className, s.tooltip]; // selectable
        return [false,'']; // non-selectable




jCal is great for this and is highly customizable.

jCal home page

This will show for 1 month and only 3 days will be allowed to select.

        $(document).ready(function () {
            day: new Date((new Date()).setMonth(7)),
            days: 1,
            showMonths: 1,
            dayOffset: 0,
            dow:     ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'],
            dCheck:         function (day) { return $.inArray(
            [(day.getMonth() + 1), day.getDate(), day.getFullYear()].join('/'),
            ['8/21/2009', '8/28/2009', '8/29/2009']) != -1},
            callback: function (day, days) {
                    $('#calResult').val(day.getFullYear() + '-' + ( day.getMonth() + 1 ) + '-' + day.getDate());
                    return true;




Take a look at yacal . It is lightweight and allows you to directly select a date range (minimum / maximum dates).

  minDate: '2009/11/10',
  maxDate: '2009/11/20',




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