Makefile.o help ... allowed

I have the following makefile for my program. It creates program.o file, but when I try to run it



I am getting the following error:

./statsh.o: Permission denied.


Any ideas why this might be happening?

HEADERS = statsh.h functions.h

default: statsh

statsh.o: statsh.c $(HEADERS)
    gcc -c statsh.c -o statsh.o

statsh: statsh.o
    gcc statsh.o -o statsh

    -rm -f statsh.o
    -rm -f statsh



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1 answer

The file .o

is only a temporary product. It contains the machine code generated by the compiler for a single compilation unit (basically the file .c

here). However, this file is not meant to be executed - and as you already discovered, it actually cannot be executed.

The make file creates the target file statsh

. This is the one you want to accomplish. It contains code from statsh.o

, as well as library routines, etc. It is created by your makefile according to the rule

statsh: statsh.o
    gcc statsh.o -o statsh


which calls GCC to have the binder / binder combine the fragments and construct the target program.



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