DMX example in VB.NET

I have an MDX snippet that I would like to add to an ASP.NET form. Hopefully, we'll just bind the results to the gridview. Are there any good links or snippets? I am using VB.NET, but I can port from C # if no Visual Basic code is available.


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1 answer

There is a way to execute MDX with SQL which I suppose will give you a hidden way to bind the results to the gridview!

select top 100 * from openrowset(
    'Datasource=MyDBServerName;Initial catalog=MyCubeName',
    'SELECT {dimensions(0).members} on rows, 
    {time.defaultmember} on columns 
    from sales'


There is a correct way (usually called ADOMD in classic ASP, which gave you a Cellset object that you could work around).

Many people use a third party .NET component like Dundas to display tables and graphs from cube data.



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