How to grab the names of all subfolders in a batch script?

I just want to know how can I get all the folder names in the current directory. For example, in my current directory, I have three folders:


Then, when I execute my batch script, all three folders will print to the screen.

How can I achieve this?


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4 answers

Using batch files:

for /d %%d in (*.*) do echo %%d


If you want to check that on the command line use only one% character in both cases.



On Windows, you can use:

dir /ad /b



will only provide you with directories will

present it in "naked" format

EDIT (answer to comment):

If you want to iterate over these directories and do something with them, use the command for


for /F "delims=" %%a in ('dir /ad /b') do (
   echo %%a


  • note the double %

    is for package use, if you use for command line use one %

  • added resetting default space demits in response to @ Helen's comment


With PowerShell:

gci | ? { $_.PSIsContainer }


Old answer:

With PowerShell:

gci | ? {$_.Length -eq $null } | % { $_.Name }


You can use the result as an array in your script and then loop through it or whatever you do ...



To get all subfolders of a specific directory and display it in the CMD:

@echo off
dir C:\input /s /b /o:n /a:d


To get all subfolders of a specific directory and save it to a text file:

dir C:\your_directory /s /b /o:n /a:d > output.txt




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