SQL Server Database Email Web Interface

SQL Server 2005 introduced Mail Mail to reliably send e-mail messages from the SQL Server Database Engine. Database Mail comes with a number of interesting views such as sysmail_allitems

, sysmail_sentitems

, sysmail_faileditems

, sysmail_unsentitems

, sysmail_mailattachments

and sysmail_event_log

. Is there any known standalone and friendly web interface (preferably in ASP.NET) on top of these views that administrators (and ideally users) can use for troubleshooting and monitoring?


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2 answers

No no. You can request DMVs manually to view the data inside them. Setting up any pretty interface won't make a lot of sense as you can't do anything with these DMVs, other than take a look at them.

Database mail is a pretty reliable system.

What specific problems are you trying to fix?



No, which I know about. Which users will be digging into focus - what will they be doing? Once everything is set up, the mail process looks pretty smooth. Do you have frequent problems?



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