"Signing" email in PHP
2 answers
If I understand you correctly, you want to generate a signed email using PHP.
The standard way to send signed emails is S / MIME (another less common way is PGP). S / MIME is basically a MIME message containing the base64-encoded CMS message (CMS is also sometimes called PKCS # 7).
One way to do this from PHP is PHP bindings to OpenSSL openssl_pkcs7_sign
I have no idea what the signed header should be used for.
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If you have a .p12 file, you probably need to extract the public certificate and private key from it:
Private key:
openssl pkcs12 -in <YOUR_FILE>.p12 -nocerts -out privateKey.pem
Public Cert:
openssl pkcs12 -in <YOUR_FILE>.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out publicCert.pem
Then you can send a signed email with this PHP code:
$data = "This is a test signed email";
// create a temporary file
$fp = fopen("msg.txt", "w");
fwrite($fp, $data);
// sign the email
openssl_pkcs7_sign("msg.txt", "signed.txt",
array(file_get_contents(realpath("privateKey.pem")), '<YOUR_PASS>'),
"To" => "john@example.com",
"From: Jane Doe <jane@example.com>",
"Subject" => "This is a test"
exec(ini_get("sendmail_path") . " < signed.txt");
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