A PC virtual hard drive spanning multiple files?

I've spent the last few hours searching but can't seem to find an answer. Hope someone here knows.

I want to use Virtual PC 2007 to create a virtual machine, but I would like the hard drive for the VM to be on a USB hard drive. I'm not worried about the performance of the VM, I would just like to have the VM disconnected from my main hard drive. The problem is that the USB hard drive is in FAT32 format and I would prefer to keep it that way. In VMWare, it is possible that the hard drive is "tagged" into 2 GB files to match the host hard drive. Is it possible to do something like this in VPC?


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2 answers

"Versions prior to Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 supported partitioning of disk images if the disk size grew larger than the maximum supported file size on the host file system.

Some file systems, such as the FAT32 file system, have a file size limit of 4 GB. If the image on the hard disk is enlarged by more than 4 GB, Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 and earlier will split the hard disk image into a different file. Split files have no headers or footers, only raw data. The last section file has a footer stored at the end of the file. The first file in the partitioned disk image has a .vhd extension. The following partition files use the extension .v01, .v02, ... filename. The split files will be located in the same directory as the main image on the hard drive. The maximum number of split files that can be present is 64. The size of the split file cannot be changed.




It explains how to split a VHD file (if the link in the above answer doesn't work): http://leonzandman.com/2007/10/26/splitting-a-virtual-pc-vhd/



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