Merge directories into virtual

in Windows XP Does anyone know a software that displays multiple directories in ONE virtual drive or directory?

When I open a virtual directory, I want to see all the files from the mapped directories as if it were one physical directory.

The Linux mhddfs software seems to fit my need exactly.


Consider we have two hard drives with the content below:

/hdd1             /hdd2
|                 |
+-- /dir1         +-- /dir1
|   |             |   |
|   +- file2      |   +- file4
|                 |   +- file2
+-- file1         |
|                 +-- file5
+-- /dir2         |
    |             +-- /dir3
    +- file3          |
                      +- file6

mounting this tree with the command:

mhddfs /hdd1,/hdd2 /hdd_common

into the specified file system point we will see a combined tree.

In the united tree we can see all the directories and files. Note
file2 of 2nd hdd is not visible (because 1st hdd  has  the  file2

+-- /dir1
|   |
|   +-- file2  -> /hdd1/dir1/file2
|   +-- file4
|-- /dir2
|   |
|   + file3
+-- /dir3
|   |
|   +-- file6
+-- file1
+-- file5




source to share

1 answer

This is not exactly the solution you want, but if you can live with all source directories having their own subdirectory in the new target, you can check the Windows connection tool from the Sysinternals Suite.

It allows you to create and manage symbolic links. your tree structure will look something like this:

│   └───some folder structure [...]
    └───some other folder structure [...]


Call it like this:

junction "e:\hdd_common\hdd1" "f:\"
junction "e:\hdd_common\hdd2" "g:\"




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