Regular expressions in VbScript?

Does VbScript have a built-in implementation for Regex? I need to validate email addresses in an old ASP application.

Any pointers would be great.


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5 answers

This example is AlexCuse by LessThanDot

Function ValidEmail(ByVal emailAddress) 

'this function will use regular expressions to check an '
'email address for validity '

'instantiate regex object container, output boolean '
Dim objRegEx, retVal 

'using late binding, vbscript reference is not required '
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 

'.pattern -looks for a valid email address '
With objRegEx 
      .Pattern = "^\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b$" 
      .IgnoreCase = True 
End With 

retVal = objRegEx.Test(emailAddress) 

'get rid of RegEx object '
Set objRegEx = Nothing 

ValidEmail = retVal 

End Function




Since the top answer is here in VB6, I thought I'd add it here in VBScript (since then what the question asks about): -

Option Explicit

Function GetEmailValidator()

  Set GetEmailValidator = New RegExp

  GetEmailValidator.Pattern = "^((?:[A-Z0-9_%+-]+\.?)+)@((?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,4})$"

  GetEmailValidator.IgnoreCase = True

End Function

Dim EmailValidator : Set EmailValidator = GetEmailValidator()


Now some tests: -

Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("") = False
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test(" ") = False
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("") = True
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("") = True
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("") = True
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("") = False
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("") = False
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("name") = False
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("name@uk") = False
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("name@uk") = False
Response.Write EmailValidator.Test("name@domain.abcde") = False






Like the others, yes. I just wanted to put you in the devguru vbscript docs, I think they are generally a good place for a quick vbscript answer. This is a section on the Regexp object .



VBScript has a built-in RegExp object, which is a JavaScript implementation of JavaScript regular expressions. I have an article on the VBScript RegExp object on my website that explains how to use it.



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