Magic with url in - 3.5

This is my dilemma:

My website is made in 3.5. I have buttons that, if the user clicks, should show images. Images are hosted by a third party and are available via a web address. So my app has to go into this third party app and they will give me back the url which should then do a response.redirect on my website and show the user's images

Think of it like your own web page. you want to move images from yahoo and you need to login to yahoo and all you have is a web address and you know that it accepts username / password as form elements or you can do = blah & pwd = female

This in a normal sense will take you to your yahoo home page and the login call also returns you a random file path that you are using in your application and do the magic so that your web page is now redirected to yahoo. com / username / randomfilepath, which is basically a thumbnail page of your images.

I tried to make this web request and then executed response.redirect as soon as I got a response, but it was a test tube.


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1 answer

You might want to think about this in an IFrame. I did some work on facebook that required the user to log into their facebook account. Then facebook returned to my page at the specified URL.

What I did was create an IFrame and then use the JQuery Dialog plugin showing the iframe after the iframe posted back to the FinishedLoggingIn.aspx page, then from that page I called (someJsonWithImages);



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