Compiler error - only when compiling from the command line
error CS0583: Internal compiler error (0xc0000017 at 7C812AFB): The likely culprit is "IMPORT". An internal error has occurred in the compiler. To work around this issue, try simplifying or modifying the program near the locations below. The location at the top of the list is closer to the point at which the internal error occurred. Such errors can be reported to Microsoft using the / errorreport parameter. c: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ mscorlib.dll: Error CS0586: Internal Compiler Error: IMPORT Phase Error CS0587: Internal Compiler Error: IMPORT Phase Error CS0587: Internal Compiler Error: IMPORT Phase PARSE "error CS0587: Internal compiler error: stage" BEGIN "
Our code generates no errors when compiling it in VS2005 UI.
What could be causing this problem?
This question is most likely dead, but for those going here Google:
Removing PDB files can help.
Alternatively, you can try turning off incremental compilation:
If I resolve it on our own build server, I will post updated information.
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