Delphi Prism and LINQ to SQL / Entity Framework

I found many posts and examples of using LINQ syntax in Delphi Prism (Oxygene), but I never found anything in LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework.

Can LINQ to SQL or Entity Framework be used with Prism? Where can I find such an example?

Olaf gives an answer via his blog

The question now is if visual tools and code generation are provided, or if everything has to be done manually ...

Second update:
Olaf answered the question about creating a tool / code in a comment on his site :

The class designer exists, but there is no Pascal code generator. According to Mark Hoffman, who is not currently on their list. For now, you have to live with manual mapping. I suppose if you had Visual Studio (not just the VS wrapper) that you could add a C # library project to your solution refer to the Prism project. Then create a Table-Class mapping in your C # project using the visual designer.

A bit ugly perhaps, but perhaps the key to integrating Designer + CodeGen into Prism. Who needs a language to display.

I will say it is 1 to 0 to C # versus prism. If I didn't care which language is used for collation - why should I care which language is used for the rest?


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