Exception with System.Drawing.Image

Hi guys I am getting an exception from the following

inner exception: {"The value cannot be empty. \ r \ nParameter: String"}

Which reads as a simple error message, but none of the values ​​(image, fileName) matter. How do I know where this line is?

RipHelper.UploadImage(image, fileName);


which calls

public static void UploadImage(System.Drawing.Image image, string fileName)
// this line is never reached


Here is the complete error log


System.ArgumentNullException: The value cannot be null. Parameter name: String in System.Number.StringToNumber (String str, NumberStyles, NumberBuffer & number, NumberFormatInfo info parameters, Boolean parseDecimal) in System.Number.ParseInt32 (String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) in System.Int32.Parse ( String s) in Helpers.RipHelper..cctor () in C: \ Helpers \ RipHelper.cs: line 23 --- End of internal check of exception stack --- in Helpers.RipHelper.UploadImage (HttpPostedFile uploadFile, String fileName) in Helpers .UploadHelper.UploadImage (HttpContext context) at C: \ Helpers \ UploadHelper.cs: line 79


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5 answers

The exception is the static constructor of the Helpers.RipHelper class on line 23 of RipHelper.cs. This line calls Int32.Parse, passing in a null value.

Perhaps the static constructor refers to a static field that hasn't been initialized yet. If you are having trouble debugging this, please post the class code, including the static constructor and any field initializers.



The error occurs in the static constructor of the RipHelper class.



Line 23 RipHelper tries to convert a null string to an integer and fails. It's probably in a constructor or static initializer. Do you have access to the RipHelper source code?



.cctor () makes it sound like you have a problem in the constructor of your RipHelper class. Can you walk through the code in debug mode and see which line is actually throwing the exception?



Thanks guys. Lesson Learned "Pay more attention to the error log". Here is the culprit

private static readonly int previewImageHeight = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PreviewImageHeight"]);


PreviewImageHeight was misconfigured.



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