Using AjaxToolKit to Improve WebForm Login

I chose AjaxToolKit to create a WebForm login. Has anyone else had problems trying to do this? I am planning to use DropShadow Extender and RoundedCorners with panels, but this is my first experience with panels.

Please check this link .

I want to put the login bar in something like showing screenshots whenever the user clicks a button. This would be similar functionality to what happens on StackOverflow when you try to insert an image or a hyperlink in "ask a question". Is it possible? How much effort is it?


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2 answers

If you are talking about 100% use of ajax management instrumentation check out the ModalPanel example .

You can also opt for a javascript library option like iBox , which will be a little harder to integrate, but not much.

I prefer to do it manually with javascript and css, if you know what you are doing, it is not that difficult, if you are not familiar with these technologies it may take more work. Here is a good post that walks you through the basics



I use AjaxControlToolkit extensively in my application and its very simple. On the server side ajax I am emitting a lot of javascript in your page. I suggest you only use AJAX where necessary, that is, when the page does a lot of things and you want to make it more responsive, like a dashboard app.



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